Tuesday, July 5, 2011


hai haiiiii...bertemu lagi dalam sehariiiii...hihi...

notice it???? I've changed my background and the title of this blog...why? why? why? because the previous background for me was a little bit too much and it was kinda suffocating *ciih..suffocating* me because of its crowds...soo, this time, the theme is a lot simpler and i like it.. ^^

and why the change of the name? *harus potong kambing nih kayanya* because this blog is no blogger about my wedding preparation..my wedding reception is done, so, there's no more room left for any preparation..so, from now on, this blog will be about everything..about life as a housewife, foods I'm making at home, anything..and you are very welcome to comments here.. :)


  1. hueee....jeng put lama tak bersua :)
    sepertinya sudah hijrah juga yaaaa....

    congrats on your wedding...
    ayo ayo di review, tak sabar lihat penampakan pengantin cantik ;)

  2. hai jeng lomiiii...iya niih..sudah lama sekaleee kita tidak saling kunjung..sampe saya pun sudah hijrah k negeri yang jarang banget ada panasnya inii..hhrrrr...

    terima kasiiiiihhh...siappp...ntar klw foto2 dari potigraper sudah kelar, akan kupost semuanyaa.. ^^

    here and there, acara kmaren banyak yang ga sesuai sama keinginanku, walo ahirnya jadinya bagus..tpi ak masi suka gondok sendiri klw inget..hehe..

    kamu gmanaa kabarnyaa?
