Sept 2007: pertama kali kenalan sama bey, di malem acara perkenalan pelajar baru..ya, krna saya udh termasuk dedengkot, jdi saya duduk manis d meja panitia, menulis nama2 para tamu, termasuk doi..
his first impression: iih, ni cewe judes banget sii.. *karna waktu itu dia jatohin stiker nama yg udh eike buatin..
her first impression: ni orang emang rese dee..udh cape2 jga gw tulisin..ggrr..
Lebaran 2007: bareng2 k rumah temen untuk makan ketupat, berhubung kita anak kos, jdi kn ga mungkinlah yaa kita masak sendiri..hihi..
her impression: iiih, ni cowo cerewet banget sii..sampe ngomong aja pengen rebutan sama gw
barely see each other again, padahal kita sekampus, apartemen juga cuman 5 menit ngesot nyampee..
the next time we met was when we had to do some movie recording, for our bestfriend..all the first impression was gone..i found him nice..enak d ajak ngobrol, d ajakin diskusi..

then, we went out once again, somewhere around April 2008, during the Queen's Day (Koninginendag)..we talked all the way while riding our bike..sebenernya, gw maksa2 dia untuk ikutan k centruum, padahal, saat itu kita semua lgi sama2 ngerjain skripsi yg deadlinenya ahir mei loohh..hihi..apik ya sayah? ^^
then, i had a huge problem..i guess, that time, it was the lowest and i mean THE LOWEST point of my life..where i had no willingness to do anything..i was so depressed..then, he became my shoulder to cry on..
we stayed up and talked until morning, supporting each other while doing our thesis together..pokoknya, waktu itu emang lucu banget..
the time came for my graduation defense, everything went well, except that my damn *sorry for my french* supervisor gave me and my partner a considered low grade..guess who waited for me outside my defense room? he waited for me patiently..then, when i told him about my grade, he hugged me and i cried on his chest..
and the same thing happened the next day, when it was his turn to have graduation defense..hihi..segitu dlu ah, ceritanya..ntar abiisshh..hihi..
in less than a month of officially in a relationship together, i had to flown home..and since then, we have been in this long-distance relationship..
i was only 22 and so was he..we were very young at that day..and one thing, distance could indeed ripped off a relationship..there were too many tears, dramas, angers, swears and anything of everything..
i was forced to be be independent..
now, after all the tears, the dramas, the angers, and the swearing..we know each other quite did we manage to do it? talking hundred of hours, about anything..
bebey, i know you're reading this blog rarely, but i just want you to know that i love you..and thank you for everything you've given me all these years..semoga, kita bisa ngalahin si eldi ini ya sayang..
puuuttt.. co cuiitt dehh.. jadi sahabatan dulu baru jadian nih? apa dr awal emang pedekate? hehehehh
ReplyDeletewhateve lah,, happily ever after yaa,, :)
jiyee... ceritanya ituloh prikitiwww.. seneng deh denger ceritanya..
ReplyDeleteeniwei, happy birthday to Bey.. bahagiakan Put selalu yah.. ehehehe *kuenya Bang, jangan lupaaa bagi2 kesini yaaaaaaaah*
schatje, i love u..sorry for all bad things i've ever made..hope to see you soon in (our) another story of life..
hihi..ntahlah d bilang sahabatan jga engga..but he was indeed my shoulder to cry on and my 'trash bin'..yg suka gw curhatin..hihi..
ReplyDeleteamiin ya Rabb..semoga kamu dengan keyong jga happily ever after ya cantiiikk.. ^^
haha..rereeeee..jadi maluuuu..dasar aja org cantik..omongannya jdi manis mulu dee..
ReplyDelete*siap..ntar d kirimin kuenya yaa..* --> balesan dari minta kue tdi..hihi
amiin bebey..and i love you too.. *kenapa kita malah bermesraan d tempat umum si bey? hihi*
ReplyDeleteehem.. congrats ya dear.. happily ever after dengan bebeynya..
hihih..jdi maluu *blushing*..makasi saayyy..amiin..
ReplyDeleteyou too with mas mu yaaa..^^